
Agency Performance Partners


The Power of Prospect Attraction, Do You Possess it?

Posted on September 14, 2016 by Kelly Donahue Piro

Do you attract prospects, repel prospects, or do prospects even know you exist?

Most agencies today still focus on outbound sales strategies to find new prospects.

Great agencies and producers leverage themselves so that prospects contact them.

Huge difference!

Sales expert Jeffrey Gitomer states that 95% of prospects will buy from you if they contact your first. If you contact them, the percentage is closer to 5%. WOW!

Yet, most agencies and producers will work their fannies off to make enough calls, send enough emails, or mail enough direct advertising pieces so that the 5% is enough.

This power of attraction may seem obvious, yet most professionals do not put themselves in this position. Why?

First of all, it takes hard work. No let me rephrase that, it takes extremely hard work.

To be seen and know in your marketplace as a value provider, you have to do one important thing.

Provide insane value.

Providing insane value (in terms of the prospect and not you) is challenging. It takes creativity, wit, persistence, belief, and discipline.

Those personality traits are often lacking from salespeople. Initially, it feels easier to follow the herd and do what all other agencies are doing.

That works great if you want to look like, sound like, and be like your competition.

I challenge you to break loose.
I challenge you to stand out.
I challenge you to make your prospects stop and think.
I challenge you to make your mark.
I challenge you to do the hard work upfront to make selling easier later.
What is your value message?

I’m not talking about what your product or service does or how competitive the price is, I’m talking about WHY you love what you do.

Why do you wake up each morning?
Why do you work for the company you work for instead of the competition?
Why do you believe that your product or service can make your prospect’s life better?
Why do you believe in you?

When you believe in a cause or an idea, the prospect will believe it too

As Simon Sinek says, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”

Finding your why creates a powerful attraction force that your competition can never match.

Think about a business that you bought something from that genuinely believed in the product or service he or she was selling. Not a product pitch or features and benefits, but true genuine belief.

That type of belief creates serious attraction.

Who are you attracting?

Brent Kelly is the CEO of BizzGrizz and certified partner with the John Maxwell Team.