
Agency Performance Partners



Use the APP Strategic Planner to build, execute, and stick with your agency's annual plan.

insurance agency strategic planning

Annual Strategic Planning Workbook Includes:

  • Downloadable Resources
  • Annual Team Feedback Survey
  • Agency SWOT
  • Reporting Review Guides
  • Team Performance Review
  • Carrier Analysis
  • Tech Stack Audit
  • Hard-Market Strategy
  • 10-Year Vision 
  • 1-Year Vision Statement
  • 2025 Agency Projects
  • How & What Goals to Set
  • Picking an Annual Theme
  • Resource Review
  • Job Descriptions
  • Organizational Chart
  • Ideal Customer
  • Agency Standards
  • Process Review
  • Agency Values
  • Incentive Plans
  • Celebrating Success & Fun
  • Tracking
  • Launch Party
  • All-Hands-on-Deck Meetings
  • Sharing Results


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Get ready for the year with a plan and clarity! Insurance agency strategic planning is a big key to success. 

Every year, you sit down to set your goals. But let’s be honest, they are more wishes than goals. For many agency owners, they have targets they would like to hit, but for a variety of reasons, somewhere in the first three months of a new year, we forget about them as the problems of the day take over. Hope becomes your strategy and you become discouraged. 

You shared the goals with your team, but they don’t seem engaged in hitting the targets. What most insurance agency owners miss is spending more time on the execution of their goals than setting your goals. 

This workbook and videos will provide you with a framework to set your goals, build your plan to hit them, get your team to buy in, and drive accountability until you celebrate when you achieve them!


What if you walked into your insurance agency and you could see clearly that you were on target or even ahead of your annual plan? What would that do for your family life and agency culture? You may have tried to outline an annual plan before to get your team engaged but it’s never really worked. You, as the owner, feel that it’s simple, but your team is using hope as their strategy to hit the agency goals. If you could get everyone to embrace the same vision and passion for growth―would that change everything? Insurance agency strategic planning will help you get there.

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Section 1: How To Use the Workbook


Kickstart your agency’s strategic planning journey with Step 1 of our Annual Planning Workbook. This step is designed to help you and your team set a solid foundation by outlining your agency’s mission, vision, and core values. By engaging in this initial step, you’ll ensure everyone is aligned and focused on common goals. Use this workbook as your guide to foster collaboration, encourage insightful discussions, and set the stage for a successful planning process. Get ready to transform your agency’s future, one step at a time!

  • Engaging Your Team
  • Ideal Timeline
  • 5-Step Process
  • Using This Workbook for All Agency Sizes

Step 1: Analysis of the Agency & Team


Begin your strategic planning with a thorough Analysis of the Agency and Team. This step is crucial for understanding where your agency stands and identifying areas for growth. Utilize our workbook to evaluate your agency’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis). Engage your team in honest discussions to gain valuable insights and foster a collaborative environment. This foundational analysis will set the stage for informed decision-making and strategic development, ensuring your agency is poised for success.

  • Team Feedback Survey
  • SWOT
  • Review Last Year’s Plan
  • Report Review
  • Team Performance Review
  • Competition Review
  • Carrier Review
  • Tech Stack

Step 2: Building Your 2025 Plan


Start your strategic planning journey with Step 1: Building Your 2025 Plan. This step is essential for charting the course for your agency’s future. Our workbook guides you through setting clear, achievable goals and creating actionable strategies to reach them. Collaborate with your team to brainstorm innovative ideas and outline key initiatives that will drive your agency forward. With a well-structured plan in place, you’ll be ready to tackle 2025 with confidence and purpose, ensuring a prosperous year ahead for your agency.

  • 10-Year Vision
  • 1-Year Plan 
  • Agency Projects
  • Setting Goals
  • Potential Road blocks
  • Resources
  • Annual Theme

Step 3: How Do We Get There


Step 3 of our strategic planning workbook focuses on turning your goals into reality: How Do We Get There? How Do We Win? This step is all about creating a detailed action plan that outlines the strategies, tactics, and resources needed to achieve your objectives. Collaborate with your team to define clear milestones, assign responsibilities, and set deadlines. By developing a roadmap for success, you’ll ensure everyone is aligned and committed to driving your agency forward. Let this step guide you in transforming your vision into victory.

  • Resource Review
  • Job Descriptions
  • Ideal Customer
  • Agency Standards
  • Process Review
  • Values
  • Incentive Plan
  • Celebrating Success
  • Fun
  • Plan If We Get Off Track
  • Tracking Our Plan

Step 4: Rolling Out the Plan


In Step 4 of our strategic planning workbook, focus on Rolling Out the Plan and Earning Team Buy-In. This critical step ensures that your carefully crafted strategies are effectively communicated and embraced by your entire team. Use this phase to present your plan clearly, highlighting key goals and the roles each team member will play in achieving them. Foster an open dialogue to address any questions and gather valuable feedback. By engaging your team and securing their commitment, you’ll create a united front ready to execute the plan and drive your agency toward success.

  • Launch Party
  • Agenda for Launch Party
  • Post Meeting Steps
  • Leadership Recap

Step 5: Keeping Your Plan on Track


Step 5 of our strategic planning workbook is all about Keeping Your Plan on Track and Staying the Course. This step focuses on monitoring progress, making adjustments, and ensuring your agency remains aligned with its goals. Identify how to set up regular check-ins, track key performance indicators, and review milestones. Encourage continuous communication and feedback within your team to address any challenges promptly. By maintaining vigilance and flexibility, you’ll ensure your agency stays on course and successfully achieves its strategic objectives.

  • Annual Plan Strategic Tracker
  • Leadership Team Meetings
  • Department Meetings
  • 1:1s
  • Sharing Reports
  • Incentives & Celebrations
  • Off-Track Plan
  • Radical Honesty & Accountability
  • All-Hands-on-Deck Meetings
  • Failure Analysis


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