
Agency Performance Partners


Insurance Cross-Selling Is for Salespeople ― NOT!

Posted on July 14, 2021 by Alex Arellano

Insurance Cross-Selling Is for Salespeople ― NOT!

When it comes to insurance cross-selling, we often hear a lot of pushback about whose responsibility it is. Employees across the board will shy away from cross-selling, and will say it’s only for producers, or that they’re not a salesperson, or that they’re only going to do what the client asks. We think that this is a big issue in agencies, and that insurance cross-selling is not for salespeople only. Here’s why:

“Everybody’s job in the entire agency should be to cross-educate all the options a client has with your agency.”

It’s not cross-selling, it’s cross-educating 

We just spoke about this topic in our last video, but it’s an important one. We need to flip the script, and look at cross-selling as cross-educating. Because really, cross-educating is our opportunity to embrace the heart of the teacher, and educate our clients about what’s available to them. And that’s something that everyone at your agency can take on. 


There are tons of benefits of cross-educating

Here’s how important cross-educating is for your agency’s success: if you didn’t worry about new business at all, and only sold to current customers, you’d actually grow at a faster rate. Aside from that, there are plenty of benefits for our customers. When you cross-educate them, you save them time and money, and simplify their insurance for them.


Clients don’t know they’re not aware

Most of the time, clients are not aware of what they’re missing. They probably don’t know that they have a gap, or that they need an umbrella policy. You need to slow down to speed up, and take the time to cross-educate your clients, because they don’t know what they’re missing out on.


The bottom line is that at the end of the day, we all have the responsibility to educate our clients so that they’re aware of all of their options. If you’ve struggled with cross-educating in the past, you’re definitely not alone. It can feel different when you start to embrace cross-educating. Keep in mind that you can ask permission first, if you’re feeling awkward about the process, and get going once your customer says yes. Just remember, once you have a person on the phone, your biggest responsibility is to spend time educating them.


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