
Agency Performance Partners


How to Show Gratitude to Your Team: Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Kids’ Events

Posted on November 24, 2021 by Alex Arellano

How to Show Gratitude to Your Team: Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Kids’ Events

Showing gratitude to your team doesn’t mean just recognizing when they perform well at work, it also means you should remember your insurance team’s biggest days. From birthdays to anniversaries and kids’ events, when you take the effort and time to remember your insurance team’s biggest days, you’re going that extra mile to show real gratitude for them.

Here’s what you should know about remembering your insurance team’s biggest days:


  • It can be in any form: Whether you throw a big party or have the team sign a card, you should definitely put in the effort to remember your insurance team’s biggest days. You can do whatever fits in with your agency culture, or develop a new agency culture around celebrations.
  • You should already have the information: Information like birthdays you likely already have on file, and you can ask about significant events like anniversaries or their kid’s birthdays. You can also highlight their work anniversaries, whether it’s every year or for bigger milestones, such as every five years.
  • It’s an easy way to show gratitude: When you make a big deal about events that are important to your team, they’re going to feel appreciated, especially when it involves events for their children. It can even be someone’s kid’s tee-ball tournament, or cheerleading championship, and you can have the office wear the team colors. Paying attention to the kid events is an amazing way to show your team gratitude.


Thanksgiving might be all about gratitude, but putting in the effort to remember your insurance team’s biggest days can happen all year long. Not only will your team feel special and appreciated, but you’ll feel great when you see how much they genuinely enjoy your gratitude.


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