
Agency Performance Partners


Worst Day Of the Week In Insurance: Make Mondays Great Again

Posted on March 22, 2021 by Kelly Donahue Piro

Worst Day Of the Week In Insurance: Make Mondays Great Again

There’s a phrase that you probably hear in your office often, which makes you shake in your boots: happy Monday.

If you’re coming in every Monday expecting the worst, great news, it’s definitely going to find you.”

When we work with agencies, we often hear how Monday’s are the worst day of the week in insurance, and how they’re the most difficult day. But we actually think that Monday’s get a bad rap. So many people automatically assume Monday is going to be terrible, but the truth is, your Monday is setting the pace for the rest of your week. Here’s how you can reframe your mindset on Mondays, to be Ridiculously Amazing in 2021:


1.Get your head in the game

Dreading Mondays might be a habit of yours, but let’s put some things into perspective. What’s so bad about them anyway? We have a job to come into, and we just had two days off to recharge. Instead of dreading the first day of the week, we should approach it ready to get back in the game.


2.Don’t plan your week on a Monday

If you come in on Monday and are scrambling to set your plan for the week, you’re definitely more likely to feel overwhelmed. By the time you get to Monday, your week should already be planned, especially if you’re a leader. Spending a little bit of time prepping your week in advance can help make your Monday’s a breeze, instead of the worst day of the week in insurance.


3.Do one of your favorite things on a Monday

If you’re looking for a way to reframe your mindset about Mondays, try doing one of your favorite things on a Monday. Of course, you should also be eating the frog, or getting some of your biggest tasks out of the way. But you should also reward yourself with something you enjoy doing, to give yourself something to look forward to.


The bottom line about Monday’s is that the dread is really all in our heads. Mondays are never going to get better if we keep acting this way, but with a few small steps, we can reframe our thinking, and start the week off the right way.


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