
Agency Performance Partners


Top Reasons Your Insurance Agency Marketing is Not Working

Posted on May 21, 2018 by Kelly Donahue Piro

In today’s world marketing can be a bit more like a science experiment than a well analyzed business plan. Think about something as delicious of baking –  one wrong ingredient and you have a whole different experience. For many agencies they hold back on marketing for fear that they won’t get the recipe right. We want to empower agencies to instead get out there and try. Brownies may not have been delicious the first go around but after some patience and taste testing someone got it right and I personally am very grateful for that opportunity.

First of all if your agency is actively marketing with social media, videos, frequent content and more – great job!!! By getting out there and trying you are making marketing more accessible to everyone. If your agency is not marketing what’s the main reason? Fear, Uncertainty or Doubt?

So let’s break down where we see insurance agency marketing go wrong.

  1.  Your agency has no brand image to market. Marketing becomes a challenge when you have nothing to market. Building a great brand is like wearing a new suit – you feel and look amazing. This is the boost that many agencies need to get out there and be amazing. If your agency doesn’t have a style or core message marketing becomes diluted and well, plain boring. Make the most of your marketing by building your brand. You can click on our link below to see some sample brand guides Agency Appeal has created for some of the top agencies across the US.
  2. Your agency is check listing their marketing.  We wrote a blog a few years back on this. It’s actually a question I get asked routinely. Can you help us with Facebook or Instagram or blogging? The problem is that if you don’t have a content strategy that is holistic Facebook won’t matter. See you need great and relevant content to share in order to be successful at marketing. Content needs to be shared on all channels to be the best it can be.
  3. Your team is un-engaged.  If you dread telling your team there may be a photo shoot for marketing pictures you have this problem. Your team is your selling point yet they aren’t happy about wearing logo apparel or being in team videos or pictures you know you have an engagement issue on your hands. Let’s face it if your own team doesn’t want to tell the world about your agency then who will?
  4. You need a marketing person. If you love selling insurance but the idea of blogging is a buzz kill well then get a marketing person. Yes you can afford it if you get the right one. Don’t look to your brother’s bosses daughter; go find someone who is passionate about marketing. Many states offer workforce training grants. You may be able to even get a marketing intern paid for in part by the state. (Rhode Island has this and it’s a brilliant program!)
  5. You’re not tracking your results.  When  you are spending time and money on your marketing you need to know what is working. If you don’t know a post went viral or a post tanked how can you get better. Just like how athletes practice you need to be on top of seeing what’s working. We recently wrote a blog for Agency Nation on how to track your marketing here is a great place to start.

Now that you have the top reasons your marketing isn’t working let’s help provide you with some solutions. We also own Agency Appeal which is a branding, website and marketing firm that specializes only in insurance. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started in making a name for your agency!