
Agency Performance Partners


Top Reasons Agency’s Don’t Market Their Business

Posted on August 13, 2018 by Kelly Donahue Piro

For many insurance agents marketing the agency seems like a brilliant idea, however where to start and what to spend becomes a challenge. It’s no longer buy a Yellow Page ad, it’s be on video, have a killer website, believe in client nurturing and be on every social media platform. The reality is we may all want to wake up like Paradiso Insurance, Excalibur Insurance or Community Insurance but getting started on that journey takes some momentum, capital and well time.

When you got your license they didn’t teach you how to market or what to do, or not to do. However, you can’t make it an excuse to do nothing. Instead you have to make the space to create a plan and invest in marketing your business. So what are the top reasons that agencies aren’t marketing and how can we overcome.

Not Sure What To Say in Marketing

So much of marketing today is around telling a story. The challenge is most of us don’t think our story is a big deal. If you don’t think your story is a big deal who else will? One of the challenges we all have, is talking about ourselves. It can be difficult but when you work with a team that can help tell your story magical things can happen. Fear of not putting yourself out there an stop you from progressing. Every agency should consider a brand guide to help formulate your message and make you look amazing to your target audience.

Not Sure How to Track Your Marketing

Knowing that marketing costs money tracking is critical. How do you know what’s working, what’s not working and what needs to be improved. We recently wrote a blog about what to track in your insurance agency marketing. Tracking is something that you have to establish as journey. Marketing today is more of an experiment, a little of this and a little of that to make it all work. Once you get the recipe right expect it to change. If you are into content generation new videos will hit, new blogs will rank on google things will change. They should change and you want to be able to track your marketing so you can capitalize on change.

Not Sure What to Spend on Marketing

How much to spend on marketing. I know I sometimes fall victim to this. Ill spend $300 on lunch but I agonize over a $20 boost on Facebook. The better bet is to identify a marketing budget that includes the following:

  • Printing
  • CRM Tool (we love Hubspot)
  • Social Media
  • Content Generation
  • Networking
  • Marketing Person
  • Website
  • Other….

When you have a budget you can set aside the money that often gets eaten up by other initiatives. This will also help your team spend your money prudently but also creatively. Marketing people do need some play money to make sure your having some fun on your money!

Marketing Is Just Not Enjoyable For You

Hey marketing isn’t for everyone. For me I like playing with it on the weekends. But if it’s not for you (just like sales isn’t everyone’s favorite) don’t force it. Not everyone is born Chris Paradiso and that’s a-ok! Stick to what you like and love. Hire the things you hate. If you aren’t gonna love it find someone who has this passion. If you hate it you will never do it!

No Time Marketing Blues

I have no time, I’m too busy to not be better. No time is tricky. Is there ever enough time? No. What could be more important than working on growing the business? Anything? Or are you spending your entire day on the jobs you shouldn’t be doing? As a leader you have to prioritize your time. Marketing is a critical part of every business we have to make time for what’s important.

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