
Agency Performance Partners


Time Management Tip #6: Let the Notepad Go

Posted on April 12, 2022 by Alex Arellano

Time Management Tip #6: Let the Notepad Go

This next time management tip is one that might initially seem counterintuitive, and a bit confusing: in order to use your time effectively, you need to let go of your notepad.

“I know there’s some of you out there watching this right now. They’re saying, I can’t break up on my notepad. I had too, and it helped me so much. I’m so much more efficient now. And my time is so much more used correctly and it’s just so much more valuable the way it’s used now properly as opposed to just being busy.“

This might be a big mindset shift for you, because most of us are trained to grab a pen and paper when we want to keep track of things. While a notepad is the old and reliable method of keeping track of information, the introduction of management systems and CRM systems means that using a notepad is almost always redundant.


You need to use your management systems to your advantage, and realize that whatever you’re writing down on your notepad will need to be transferred into the system again. This means that you’re essentially processing information twice, which can really slow you down. 


Plus, notepads can lead to disorganization. When you’re trying to sort through 47 pieces of paper to track down crucial information, or 14 different notepads, it can be a real mess. Not only that, but notepads make it nearly impossible for a seamless handoff to another person. Other agents can’t easily find your notepad, read your handwriting, and get the information you need. If you’re sick or off from work, someone should be able to pick up right where you left off. On the other hand, if all of your information is in the CRM, another agent can get into the system from their desk and easily take care of your client.


With ditching notepads, keep in mind slowing down to speed up. You need to shift your mindset and be comfortable with making changes, and look for ways to be productive instead of busy. While it might seem quicker to grab a pen and paper, it’ll end up costing you valuable time in the long run. 


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