
Agency Performance Partners


Time Management Tip Part 3: Efficiently Communicating

Posted on February 27, 2017 by Kelly Donahue Piro

Ever have that client that gets stuck at your desk for 30 minutes? All you keep thinking is “How do I end this?” As part of your role you need to learn how to efficiently communicate with your clients. Now don’t jump to the worst and think, “Kelly thinks we should be a robot machine and not enjoy the relationships with our clients.” I’m not saying that.  It’s just that I have listened to way too many recorded phone calls where you learn about a client’s recent colonoscopy. We need to keep communication moving.

I’m all for being professional and caring, where the line gets drawn is when a 5 minute call goes to 12 minutes. We all need to learn how to structure calls and get our end result.

The best calls include:

  • Start with a warm transfer.  This means the receptionist or person who answers the call finds out who they are and what they need first. When they transfer the call, they alert the person receiving the call to the person’s name and want. The person responding then can pull up the account and greet the person accordingly. When you field the call and know what’s happening, you can act quicker and with greater control.
  • Gather the information. Get the information you need to act.
  • Review the account: limits, lines contact info
  • Alert the caller to the next steps and a timeline.
  • Thank them for their business

When you are in control you can shorten the call but still act with care and efficiency.

Here is a great ti for when someone is at your desk and you need to get moving.  Simply stand up.  The other person will naturally stand as well and you can walk them to the door. Also, never have candy at your desk.  You are inviting people to get cozy!

Stay tuned for our next blog – Banning the notepad.

Also, sign up for our next Webinars for a Cause on Time Management! You and your team can learn our best practices and donate to a great cause – the ASPCA! Can’t make the date?  That’s OK.  For a small donation you can get the recording!  And be sure to check out the next blog in our series:

  • Quoting on the phone (Crazy, right? Can’t be done… wrong!)
  • Templates for emails and letters in your system (Down to every single communication, saving seconds matters)
  • Being efficient and effective in client communication (Building a great client experience efficiently)
  • Banning the notepad from the office (Why are you jotting notes to type them in later?)
  • Limiting the time suck of remarketing (How to use remarketing tastefully)