
Agency Performance Partners


Want to Increase Insurance Sales Today? STOP Emailing Quotes

Posted on November 13, 2014 by Kelly Donahue Piro

Want to Increase Insurance Sales Today? STOP Emailing Quotes

You may sense a tone of sarcasm in the blog just as a warning but for the love of Pete, stop emailing quotes. In what sales world is sending an uneducated consumer a document that they don’t understand with a price on its sales? You will only win on price.

It happened again last week. I was working with an agent who “knew it all” he couldn’t learn anything from me, right until I saw his numbers. As I started walking him through his process he told me that he emails quotes because he doesn’t waste his time on “price shoppers” and that his time should only be spent on people who value his services.

For those of you who know me, I was literally chewing the inside of my mouth so I didn’t blurt out something like…. “Are you kidding me, all you did was make it about price because clearly, your service driven targets would prefer to read a complicated piece of paper than have it explained to them. Ohh and hotshot, when were you going to explain options, carrier features, paid in full discounts? Your hope is a strategic approach is proving numbers equal to my dog’s IQ and let me guess you also never ask for referrals right Captain?”

I composed myself and asked him to enlighten me on how his email the quoting strategy was adding value. Low and behold the answer was not apparent Emailing quotes is a strategy that only benefits your time not your wallet and by benefiting your time I mean you get a lot of practice quoting insurance.

Do the customer, your agency, and yourself a favor, call the client. Review it with them, provide options, talk about the carrier’s features sell the policy because they are best served by you. Emailing the quote is the equivalent of me hoping I don’t turn another year older on my birthday. We are all just simply better than that.