
Agency Performance Partners


Sneaky Ways to Use LinkedIn to Close More Insurance Sales

Posted on July 24, 2017 by Kelly Donahue Piro

Do you think on a scale of 1-10 you are a 5 on Linkedin?

If so we have the insurance article for you on why you need to invest more time, effort and energy into harnessing LinkedIn.

For most insurance folks they have a profile on LinkedIn with a picture, bio and some nice things about them. This is, let’s just say, average. To me it’s the blue and white business card everyone is rocking in insurance. Nothing sticks out, nothing says you are extraordinary, just blah blah blah.

With a little elbow grease LinkedIn can be a HUGE tool to help you prospect and close more sales. But we have to get in and really use it.

Here are our top tips for using LinkedIn to be a sales machine:

  • Make sure your coverage image ties into directly what you are trying to sell. If it’s a niche market, your community etc. that background image needs to scream “I get you!”
  • Use the media section of your profile. Add videos, presentations, and your personal pitch. Make sure it’s short, sweet and to the point. People will check it out.
  • Do comment and post on other people’s posts. It shows it’s a dialog and not you talking to yourself.
  • Every, and I mean every, business card you nab needs to be connected to on LinkedIn. You need to build a database of contacts.
  • Use the search feature. Say you want to get involved in prospecting a great account in the area. You can search that company name and see who you may know that can help you get your foot in the door. More contacts mean more potential connections!
  • Here’s a nifty hint.  Before a meeting send out a confirmation with a Link to your LinkedIn profile.  You can see who has checked you out.  Remember, if they are doing the due diligence it means it’s a hot lead.
  • Get recommendations! When you get recommendations it means that other people have validated you. Rather than you walking in with 30 testimonials, LinkedIn can tell your story.
  • Did you know you can print your LinkedIn profile as a PDF. It’s a great looking tool to hand out to prospects.

If you are already doing this check out LinkedIn Sales Navigator. This helps you identify leads in your target markets quickly!

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