
Agency Performance Partners


New Marketing Strategy For Your Insurance Agency: Trendjacking

Posted on August 21, 2017 by Kelly Donahue Piro

Have you heard about trendjacking?

Does your insurance agency trendjack

You probably have but didn’t know it. Trendjacking is diving in on the conversation when something is trending. As we type this it’s eclipse day. Did your agency post anything engaging today? Trendjacking is a great way to add personality to your agency as well holding on to some SEO and Social Media tailwind to help boost your results.

So how does trendjacking work? Well you need to be actively engaged in social media. In Facebook you can look at what’s in the news and Twitter you can see what’s trending. Once you know what’s catching steam and getting people talking, you can identify which ones relate to your brand. For example, JetBlue recently posted this about the recent eclipse on Twitter:

JetBlue took a current event on everyone’s mind and made it about their brand and flying. Plus it kind of makes you giggle.

The idea is to take current events (that are politically correct) and twist them to be about your brand. The key is you have to act fast so hop on the trend before it’s too late. Check out the ideal time to trendjack or newsjack.

You may be thinking “I don’t have time for this” or “I’m not creative enough”. But you have to be to compete in today’s society. Trendjacking will help your agency get connected to current and relevant events that can help boost awareness and impact your brand in a  positive way!

Here is one great example of trendjacking during the Eclipse from our friends and clients at Spivey Insurance.