
Agency Performance Partners


Is Your Agency Memorable?

Posted on October 27, 2015 by Kelly Donahue Piro

Agency automation and telephone sales greatly benefit agents from an efficiency standpoint. However, we have to remember everything in life is a trade off. When we gain efficiency through phone sales, we loose the ability to look at people, get to know them, spend time with them and build a true relationship. Over time this can negatively impact referral generation, account rounding and retention. Now I’m not advocating to make everyone come into your office to get a quote but we do need to balance out the lack of relationship this new efficiency has created.

There are people (even 30 year olds) who wouldn’t mind stopping in to meet you. Yes, it’s a falsity that we all want quick, fast and cheap. As a 32ish year old person, when I’m spending a few grand a year I still like to go in and meet people. Now I don’t want to have to do it all in front of you but knowing who you are and you knowing me I think leads to a better service experience. Warning, if I come in you better not irritate me. Offer me coffee, don’t be late and don’t let me catch your team huffing and puffing about being too busy.

But how do we build  relationships with someone we have never met? If you bound coverage with me 3 years ago and never contacted me again, I have forgotten about you. Completely forgotten about you. In fact, since I’m most likely on EFT I think you are my carrier. If I don’t know you, I don’t know your referral program, your other products and how you can help me. I think you take money from me and that’s it.

We have to take a 3 point approach to stay memorable:

  • Renewal Review Calls
  • Email marketing to current customers
  • Social Media

We need to foster engagement with clients so we are easy to reach, easy to do business with and to show off our sassy sides!