
Agency Performance Partners


Celebrate the Success of your Insurance Agency

Posted on August 5, 2021 by Alex Arellano

Celebrate the Success of your Insurance Agency

All this week we’ve been discussing the best ways to get your insurance team to buy in for whatever you’re launching next. Getting buy-in from your team is crucial to making sure your next launch is a great success. After holding a launch party and addressing employees who have not bought in, your final step is the best one: celebration!

“We want to recognize and celebrate that what we did was hard and let people know that they’ve done a good job.”

Celebration should not be overlooked, because it’s important to recognize that what your team did was difficult. It’s also crucial to let your team know that they did a great job.

Here’s how you can ensure you insurance agency celebrates success: 

Do something that gets the team excited

Your team did a great job, and they should definitely be rewarded. Show gratitude in a way that gets them really excited. This might be a pizza party, a cookout, an extra hour of time off, or anything else that really shows your team how their hard work is rewarded.

Find a milestone

Sometimes when we get all the way through a difficult task and simply jump to the next thing, it can be underwhelming, and also draining for your team. Instead, focus on finding milestones along the way to celebrate. This will help break up intense work, but also will show your team that you really see how hard they’re working.

Remember your team wants to feel recognized

It’s important to remember that your team appreciates feeling recognized, and that they appreciate when you as a leader take the time to make them feel good. If you keep that in mind, you’re bound to see the value in setting aside time for celebration.

When you celebrate the success of your insurance agency, your team is much more likely to want to buy into new initiatives and ideas. This sort of spirit and appreciation will help create a culture at your company where employees feel recognized, and where they’re even more willing to do the hard work.

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