
Agency Performance Partners


[BANTER PODCAST] Building An Insurance Agency Sales Culture | 5 Sales Management Strategies

Posted on July 28, 2023 by Kelly Donahue Piro

Are you building an insurance agency sales culture?

Are you building an insurance agency sales culture? Great insurance sales management and leadership help shape your sales culture. Many agencies identify as a service culture but we all need to embrace the idea of being a growth culture. If you aren’t growing you are dying and in insurance we need to grow!

In order to establish a clear sales culture you needs to start building a sales strategy. Every agency should embrace the following opportunities for sales goals:

  • Setting sales goals and expectations (clarity is kind)
  • Routine and regular coaching and training (even the best train)
  • Positive team culture (no backstabbing)
  • Focus on the customer experience (clients for life!)
  • Use data (facts not feelings)

Just starting with clear goals is critical for the team and agency success. I great sales culture embraces every member of the agency team to get excited about growth. No one in the agency should be scare or timid of sales. We need to attract new clients so we can stay happy and healthy in our agency’s growth.

When running an insurance sales team culture is everything. It will allow you to find the top talent and keep them producing at your agency.

Resources for Creating An Insurance Sales Culture

We’re Agency Performance Partners; APP is your insurance agency’s best friend when it comes to training, strategies, brutal truth & tough love that’ll grow your agency with hugs & high fives along the way….just like a BFF.

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