
Agency Performance Partners


APPX Sales: Stopping Your Prospect From Shopping

Posted on May 24, 2017 by Kelly Donahue Piro

I recently learned something brilliant. Easy is ok!

So how do we make an insurance sales process easier on us? The first thing we have to do is stop our prospect from calling any other agents. I think we can all agree that when you have a prospect who is shopping, and you have 3 agents all telling the prospect something different so your sale becomes much more difficult. So how do we stop your prospect from shopping? You can keep reading this blog and check out our new APPX 6 Month Sales Training Program.

First you have to understand that on average in America people are going to get 3.1 quotes when shopping their auto insurance. So you have to embrace that most leads are coming  in with price on their mind. It’s easy to see how consumers don’t have a lot of trust and faith in insurance. If I call three different agents I’m going to get three different rates. It’s based on the questions they ask, what they believe I need and access to markets. Since most people start their process being price sensitive, shopping is a natural solution to this problem. You, as the agent, need to convert price into education by having a well defined, ridiculously amazing sales process.

When you get a lead you must hop on it quickly. Speed solves a multitude of sins in your sales process. If you can capture and connect with a lead you can win. If you capture, connect but don’t respect the lead, they keep shopping. So what do we mean by this? After listening to 100’s of hours of recorded phone calls I can without hesitation say that most agents don’t build any rapport with a phone caller. They instead take out the trusty paper application and go right into the insurance interrogation. I always wondered how can you be my adviser without actually knowing me?

You need to slow down to speed up. Keep the paper app far far away and spend 3 minutes (Yes.  Start to finish our rapport builder questions take 3 minutes.) to build value in you as the agent, your agency and learn everything you need to refute any objection when you go to close them. This is the most valuable 3 minutes in your entire sales process. You can check out a recent blog we wrote on building rapport for more specific instructions.

During this phase of your sale you want to be so likable that you are in the category of babies and puppies. But in order to do that you have to build value in yourself as their agent, and ask the right questions to find out what’s important to them. This is your first step to solve 2 major sales issues:

  • Pulling people from price to value
  • Getting them to call no other agents because they see value in you

Taking an app, getting off the phone and quoting insurance only fuels the common problem of people being price sensitive.

If you aren’t an absolute expert at building rapport, the only reason they have to buy from you is price.

We have created our APPX 6 Month Sales Program to help agents learn easy and doable strategies that help simplify insurance sales. If you haven’t heard about it you can check out some samples of our reporting, scripts and training.  Let us know if you want to connect on how we can help boost your agency’s sales by 33% in new business written premium in 3 months!

Learn More About APPX Sales