
Agency Performance Partners


3 Ways Your Insurance Agency Can Generate More Leads

Posted on December 9, 2014 by Kelly Donahue Piro

3 Ways Your Insurance Agency Can Generate More Leads

Are you struggling for new business? There are three very effective ways to make sure you and your producer team are always thriving for growth. Now, I warn you this schedule is designed for people with a can’t stop, won’t stop attitude. Those who find excuses on making this plan work may not be ready to really produce!

In order to produce at a high level, you need to have a plan. If you don’t plan your week, you will waste precious time. In sales, every moment has to count. You want to think about how to group tasks together. For example, if you are sharpest in the morning you may want to do your quotes from the previous day in the morning, all together. Many producers want to chase the lead of the day rather than grouping tasks together for efficiency. Would you rather spend your time generating 3 leads or quoting one policy? In personal lines an average producer will producer over 20 new business policies per month. Good producers are 20-35, great producers crush it at over 35. This plan works if you work it.

Start by creating your schedule:

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Notice how this plan starts at 8am and ends at 9pm. Producers work! Many community events are on nights and weekends. Your paycheck depends on it!

Here are the top 3 ways your agency can generate more leads:

  • Call the List! Call unsold quotes, lost business and monoline accounts.
  • Attend At Least 1 Community Event Every Week: It may be awkward at first but you make friends. The more people you know, the more referrals you get. Also,  the attendees need insurance!
  • Meet with one center of influence every week: Financial planners, lawyers, mortgage brokers, bankers, realtors and more. All of these people work off of referrals. Building solid relationships generates more opportunities!

Special Bonus, you can get your service team to work for new business as well. It never hurts to ask for referrals and account round.