
Agency Performance Partners


Top 10 Things Insurance and the Presidential Election Have In Common

Posted on November 1, 2016 by Kelly Donahue Piro

It’s election day. The day we get to go out and exercise our power of choice! I hope you are all are going out there to vote.  Even if this Presidential election cycle has got you down, remember there are important local and state elections that matter. Go get your sticker and show America we care about our future. This Presidential election has been like no other, so we decided to take a step back and look at some similarities in the elections. No worries though this is going to be bi-partisan!

10.  Just like Hillary, most agency owners have no idea what’s in their email. That’s not a knock.  I just know way too many agency owners with thousands of unread emails in their inbox.  A big, big no no for email efficiency.

9. Just like the first Presidential debate, too many producers don’t practice their pitch and come off unprepared. We all know debate one wasn’t Donald’s finest showing. Producers, you only get one shot to pitch your plan so practice, practice, practice.

8. These two candidates could be liked less than insurance.  Yes, that’s a possibility. Insurance is finally cooler than something!

7. Both candidates and insurance are desperately trying to figure out how to get millennials on their team!

6. Finally there are break in insurance commercials for election commercials! Hopefully this slows down reshops but if not we can help.

5. Whether or not you get dec pages or copies of debate questions, you can still plan for an awesome attack of your competitor.

4. We all have to limit talking badly about clients because you never know who is listening… or recording.

3. It seems appropriate that October was National Cyber Security Month with all that hacking!

2. Trump’s belief that the media is rigged against him is the same as your belief you didn’t sell it because of price.

1. No matter who wins or loses, this election won’t be decided today. No means not right now… we will probably see this again at the next renewal date.

Political views aside this is completely meant as a parody piece. We tried to be equally partial to both parties!