
Agency Performance Partners


Insurance Time Off – Your Plan For Time Management

Posted on April 20, 2021 by Kelly Donahue Piro

Insurance Time Off

In preparation for our new time management course, we’re sharing a ton of valuable time management tips with you, to help your agency become Ridiculously Amazing in 2021. Today’s tip: how to handle insurance time off.

“Your customer experience is way, way too important to have any issues whatsoever, and we can’t let our customers down.”

Oftentimes, insurance time off isn’t really seen as a time management issue, but in reality, it can have a huge impact on time management. There are two different types of insurance time off, planned and unplanned. Let’s dive into both types, and how everyone at your agency should be approaching them.


Planned Insurance Time Off

Out of the two types, planned insurance time off is definitely the more manageable. But plenty of times at agencies, we see very lenient time off policies, which leaves a skeleton crew of staff members. When insurance time off is planned, the staff left working shouldn’t be paper thin, because then what happens if an emergency happens? If you’re a leader and you have someone who wants to take off when staffing is already thin, you can tell that staff member that you’ll evaluate the situation in the week leading up to it, to make sure you’re still appropriately staffed.

When someone does take planned time off, there should be specific steps taken, to ensure there’s no lapses while they’re gone. A voicemail should be set up, emails should be cleared, and any notes should be entered into the computer system, for everyone to access. Additionally, any work left over should be divided up equally.


Unplanned Insurance Time Off

Unplanned insurance time off can be trickier to navigate, and here are the steps you should follow when someone does take unplanned time off. Someone should put up their out-of-office email and voicemail, organize their management system, and check on their critical mission items. When someone is taking unplanned time off, their customers should not suffer because of it. Customer experience is way too important, and it’s critical that other employees not only take over assignments, but also see them through to completion.

When you start to look at insurance time off as a time management tool, you’ll be able to make sure that it’s taken in a responsible way, and that any unplanned time off doesn’t lead to major work catastrophes.


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