
Agency Performance Partners


Insurance Consultant Tip: Are You a Lift, Thrust, Weight or Drag?

Posted on February 23, 2016 by Kelly Donahue Piro

I try to read three times per week, it’s a challenge I’ve given myself. Trust me, there are routinely days I’d rather watch Downton Abbey! I generally read on my flights, before take off when you can’t turn on your computer, then again on my return flight home as well as Sunday mornings over coffee.  I have learned I can fit in 6-10 chapters each week if I stick to it. I love reading as it expands my knowledge in many ways. Even if it’s just a chapter here or there, it’s something we all need to do.

I was flying from Omaha to Albany…. yes cold state to cold state. I started reading “You Can, You Will: 8 Undeniable Qualities of a Winner by Joel Osteen.”  Now, I needed this book! I was going to an agency who just started making proactive renewal calls and two weeks later it had gotten to be a bit of a negative process. (FYI:  Anything that is  worth it has at least one or two speed bumps.  If it were easy, everyone would do it!) I knew I would need to be my best the next day to face 13 account manager who had let the hard part become the main part.

The answer came to me in this book, like a divine book intervention! Joel talks about how people are either:

  • Lifters:  They champion new projects, new challenges and new ideas. They find ways to make it work and stay positive.
  • Thrusters:  These guys are your immediate champions.  They set the bar high and make it seem easy. Another name for them is overachievers.
  • Weighters:  These are the people who don’t believe, need to be convinced and have a wait and see attitude. The problem is they are part of the solution and they can’t wait and see… by them waiting it makes it harder! They will do it, but they will do it begrudgingly.
  • Draggers:  These are the people who are working (mainly behind people’s back) against the program. They may start their sentences with “I can’t”, “Can you believe”, and “There is just no way.”

We need to be stronger than the weights or the drags. As agency leaders, we also need to make sure we clearly identify who is who and address them when we see them!

The good news is I was able to go in and help the team refocus away from the negative back to the positive. It’s just like working out, it hurts… a lot. Then you get to the good stuff. Remember anything worth it as an adult has some pain associated with it.