Have you participated in insurance agency family business planning?
Family can be complicated and business is hard! For many family run agencies we struggle to plan and hold each other accountable (remember your mom asking you to clean your room?). When working with family you need to treat each other as business partners at the office and family at home. If you were only business partners (and not family) would you allow yourselves to operate with out a plan? Probably not family should hold each other to higher standards and run efficiently and effectively with a road map that is clear and kind to everyone.
One of the biggest insurance agency family business planning processes that must happen is the plan to perpetuate. The next generation is looking for clarity on how the transition will happen and the current family leadership is questioning if the next generation can handle it. Also, the current leadership may love what they do and are unsure about their next steps. This leads the currently leadership to stay in their roles and keep things status quo.
Having insurance agency family business planning meetings are critical for success. You may need to have some difficult conversations, difficult conversations lead to clarity and break throughs. Without them passive aggressive behavior can poke through.
Check out the APP Resources on Best Practices of Leaving Your Insurance Agency To Your Family:
- Check out our blog on Best Practice of Leaving Your Insurance Agency To Your Family: https://bit.ly/perpetuatetofamily
- Get our FREE Sample Family Contract (avoid those family arguments): https://bit.ly/424Qr5W
- Get our Agency School @ 10% off with code: BACKTOSCHOOL https://bit.ly/3NGJ7dg
- Book A Meeting: https://bit.ly/3I8H0v8
- Are you looking for insurance training to grow your insurance agency? https://www.agencyperformancepartners.com/work-with-us/