
Agency Performance Partners


How To Get Your Team to Cross-Sell Insurance

Posted on July 12, 2021 by Alex Arellano

How To Get Your Team to Cross-Sell Insurance

This next topic is something that is very near and dear to our heart, because of how important it is for agencies: how to get your team to cross-sell insurance. There are many misconceptions about insurance cross-selling, and how exactly to get your team to do it. If you’re struggling to get your team to cross-sell insurance, you’re not alone. Your agency may need a plan, and we have you covered. Here’s what you need to know about cross-selling:

“If you are struggling with the philosophy, the concept, the reasoning of cross-selling, let me put your mind at ease: it is all about education.”

What cross-selling is not

It’s important to understand exactly what insurance cross-selling is not. It isn’t:

  • Aggressive sales: people think that cross-selling might be a bit sleezy, but it’s definitely not that. Instead, it’s actually in the best interest of your client. 
  • A quick cash grab for the agency: As you get better at cross-selling, you’ll likely find that some of the smaller policies add up to more loyalty.
  • A nuisance to the client: Agents often think that clients don’t want to be bothered, that no one has money for insurance and many other false beliefs. These are dialogues that we make up in our heads, and oftentimes, they’re not the truth.
  • Forcing extra coverage on your client: Instead of forcing extra coverage, cross-selling really is taking the opportunity to stop and have a conversation about options.


What cross-selling is

Instead of all of those things, here’s what insurance cross-selling is:

  • Educating your client: Every single front-line employee needs to have the heart of the teacher and work to educate their client on options.
  • Valuable: Cross-selling adds value by sharing ways you can help people that they might not have known before.
  • Money-saving: Insurance cross-selling can save clients money by alerting them to discounts.
  • Being a great agent: Insurance cross-selling is ultimately being an incredible insurance agent.


Many agents shy away from insurance cross-selling, but we’ve found that the number one reason people don’t cross-sell is because they feel like they don’t have the time. This is a misconception, and if there is a time issue, it can be easily resolved by learning time management skills.


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