
Agency Performance Partners


How To Deal With An Upset Customer Their Perception

Posted on February 21, 2022 by Alex Arellano

How To Deal With An Upset Customer Their Perception

What is the worst part of your job? It’s probably that moment when an angry insurance customer calls in. 

Even just an annoyed customer isn’t fun, but that doesn’t change the fact that, as much as you might want to, you cannot get into the pit with them and duke it out.


You need to remember that their perception of this situation is reality–to them. They believe everything that they are saying is 1000% true. They aren’t lying or blowing things out of proportion. To them, they are completely justified in these feelings. 


The thing you need to do first, when this call comes in, is recognize that they are upset about the situation and that it has very little to do with you. Some of you might take their tone alone as an attack on your value as a human being and an insurance agent, but you can’t do that.


Really, you have a choice. You can face off with them or you can position yourself as the hero. 


What does that look like?


It means that you attempt to meet them right where they are. You validate, validate, validate, and then build a path forward. You don’t go in there, guns blazing, ready to take out their misunderstandings and inconsistencies. No. 


Let them know that you understand their feelings and be honest, you’d be frustrated if you were in their situation. Just remember that there is no Judge Judy coming to declare your victory at the end of this. If you fight them, everyone loses. 


If you have to face off with an angry insurance customer’s perception, take a breath and try to meet them right where they are. It’ll offer a much better outcome for your agency than fighting with them. 


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