
Agency Performance Partners


Having The Rate Conversation in a Hard Insurance Market | Hard Market Hero

Posted on June 9, 2023 by Kelly Donahue Piro

Does your agency need help having the rate conversation in a hard market?

Are you stumped on having the rate conversation in a hard insurance market? How do you break the news to a client that their insurance rates are on the rise? Or that they are being non-renewed and the alternatives are MUCH higher.

At APP (the insurance industries best friend) we have the best rate increase script. Watch as APP recaps this week’s Hard Market Hero series all about How to Have the Rate Increase Conversation.

We will recap:

📞Question or Request?

📞Review vs. Remarket

📞Work to get something from the interaction

📞Tone of voice

📞Monthly figures

📞Percentage increase

📞The importance of silence

We know that communicating insurance rate increases is hard in this hard market. When everything is going up it can feel really challenging to deliver the news that insurance is no different. For most insurance agency team members we much more enjoy providing good news. However, we have to remind ourselves that the news is best delivered by us (even if its a challenge!) When you practice delivering the information it does get easier. When you practice and have a script you feel empowered to take on the challenge. Sometimes just framing the rate in the right context helps everyone feel more comfortable with moving forward with the insurance renewal with your agency.

This episode marks the 4th of our exciting six-part Hard Market Hero series designed specifically for your agency’s success! And guess what? There’s more to come! Watch this FREE recap of this week’s LIVE Hard Market Hero Sessions. But wait, there’s a bonus! Get a sneak peek into our upcoming 5th Renewal Reviews. 🙌

👉Sign Up for the Hard Market Hero Series: https://www.agencyperformancepartners.com/insurance-rate-increase/

🎧Subscribe & Listen to Our Podcast: [apple.co/41euCAk]

👕 Show off your Hard Market Hero swag: [https://www.agencyperformancepartners.com/shop/ridiculously-amazing-agent-swag/]

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