
Agency Performance Partners


Finding The Right Insurance Speaker For Your Event

Posted on January 17, 2024 by Michelle Aguilar

Introduction to Finding The Right Insurance Speaker

In the ever-evolving landscape of insurance education, the role of an education director or insurance event coordinator is crucial. To create impactful learning, networking, and growth experiences, it’s essential to tailor educational, CE, and event session programs to meet the specific needs of your audience. 

One key aspect of achieving this is identifying the right speaker who resonates with the audience’s preferences, skill levels, and learning objectives. In this guide, we’ll delve into the art of understanding your audience and provide strategies to find the perfect insurance speaker to enhance your educational initiatives.

Understanding Your Insurance Agent Audience

The first step in creating an effective insurance education event is understanding your audience. Insurance professionals come from diverse backgrounds and possess varying levels of experience and expertise. As an education director, it’s imperative to gather insights into their preferences, skill levels, and specific learning objectives.

Conduct Member Surveys

Before selecting an insurance speaker, conduct surveys to gather valuable data on your audience. Ask questions about their current roles, areas of interest, preferred learning formats, and the specific challenges they face in the insurance industry. Understanding their preferences will help you tailor the education program to meet their needs.

Analyze Past Data and Feedback From Insurance Events

Reviewing past education programs and collecting feedback can provide valuable insights. Identify patterns in the type of speakers or topics that resonated well with your audience. Use this information to refine your approach and ensure that future programs align more closely with their expectations. 

If possible, ask the insurance speakers you are vetting to provide survey responses or testimonials. Another great tip is to see if they have a YouTube Channel, Podcast, or video of recent events they spoke at. 

Collaborate with Insurance Industry Experts

Engage with industry experts and influencers to gain a deeper understanding of the current trends and challenges in the insurance sector. Their insights can help you identify relevant topics and find speakers who can address the specific needs of your audience. 

We are all in a small industry – using your network is a great way to identify the coming as well as the tried and true speakers. 

Tailoring Learning Objectives

Once you’ve gathered insights into your audience, the next step is to define clear learning objectives. These objectives will serve as the foundation for selecting an insurance speaker who can deliver content that aligns with the educational goals of your program. 

At Agency Performance Partners each Fall we release our new speaking topics to make sure we stay relevant and current with industry trends. 

Identify Key Learning Outcomes

Work with your team to identify the key learning outcomes you want to achieve through the education program. These outcomes should be specific, measurable, and relevant to the challenges and opportunities your audience faces in the insurance industry. 

This is critical to determine if the speaker will provide handouts, the slides they use, and other resources. You want your audience to leave with what they need to get started immediately. 

Align Objectives with Industry Trends

Ensure that your learning objectives align with current industry trends. The insurance landscape is dynamic, with regulatory changes, technological advancements, and emerging risks shaping the industry. 

By staying current, you can offer education that is not only relevant but also prepares your audience for future challenges. 

Prioritize Skill Development

Consider the skill levels of your audience and prioritize skill development in your learning objectives. Whether it’s mastering new technologies, enhancing communication skills, or understanding complex regulatory frameworks, tailoring the education program to address specific skill gaps will contribute to its overall effectiveness. 

There is a big difference between speaking to the insurance young agent group than there is to agency owners. Make sure your speaker can tailor the content to the audience. 

Finding the Right Insurance Speaker

With a clear understanding of your audience and defined learning objectives, the next step is to find the perfect insurance speaker. This process involves considering various factors to ensure that the speaker not only possesses industry expertise but also connects with your audience on a personal and professional level.

Look for Industry Relevance

Choose a speaker with a deep understanding of the insurance industry. They should have relevant experience, expertise in current industry trends, and a track record of success in addressing similar audiences. 

A speaker with firsthand knowledge of the challenges faced by insurance professionals will resonate more with your audience. Make sure they are in tune with your area’s specific challenges

Consider Communication Style

Evaluate the communication style of potential speakers. Different audiences respond to various communication styles, whether it’s engaging storytelling, interactive discussions, or data-driven presentations. 

Align the speaker’s style with the preferences of your audience to enhance their learning experience. Do you want a speaker who is going to get detailed, be funny or motivational, or engage the crowd? Knowing what you are looking for will help you find the best insurance speaker for your event. 

Review Past Engagements

Examine the speaker’s past engagements and gather feedback from other organizations they have worked with. Look for testimonials or case studies that highlight their effectiveness in delivering educational content. 

A speaker with a positive track record is more likely to leave a lasting impact on your audience. Many insurance speakers will have a speaker kit that you reference with events they have spoken at and testimonials. 

Customize Content Delivery

Work closely with the chosen speaker to customize the content delivery based on your audience’s preferences. Tailor the presentation format, use case studies relevant to the insurance sector, and incorporate interactive elements to keep the audience engaged. 

The best industry speakers have a process to obtain all of the details of your event and customize their approach to speak directly to your audience as well as your objectives. 


In the world of insurance education, the art of identifying your audience’s needs is a continuous process that requires dedication and strategic planning. By understanding your audience, defining clear learning objectives, and selecting the right insurance speaker, you can elevate your education programs and empower insurance professionals to thrive in an ever-changing industry. 

Remember, the success of your educational initiatives lies in the ability to bridge the gap between the unique needs of your audience and the expertise of the chosen speaker, creating a learning experience that is both enriching and impactful.

insurance speaker