
Agency Performance Partners


Do You Run Your Agency Like a Football Team?

Posted on October 2, 2015 by Kelly Donahue Piro

Hello everyone! I am writing this from the great state of Michigan this week. I decided that because I’m in Michigan and I had the privilege of attending a Patriots home game this past Sunday that this post should be related to Football! Everyone can get behind that!

While I was enjoying some adult beverages at the game I saw a lot of folks wearing T-Shirts with the phrase “Do Your Job” printed on them. I loved these shirts and sure enough I was able to buy my own and immediately started thinking about my friends in Insurance Land! My thoughts started drifting towards the parallel of a Football Team versus an Insurance Agency. Stay with me!! I promise this will make sense.

In Football, we have our two sets that make up a team. We have an offense and a defense. Much in the same way, we have our Producers and our CSR’s. Our producers are responsible for putting points on the board while our CSR’s act as the defense whenever a customer has a question, comment or concern. Each team has a specific function either on the field or at the agency.

Which brings me to my next point. When you look at any successful NFL team you automatically know that the reason they are successful is because of their team dynamic. The offense does their job and the defense does their job. They do their best to set the other up for success and work together towards achieving the one common goal.

Now the challenge is to look at your agency and ask yourself, “Do the teams in your agency set the other up for success?” When a producer adds a new client do they reach out to the service staff to provide insight into this client? Does the service staff ask for referrals from the current clients to help our producers add to the scoreboard? As the agency owner, are you coaching your team to victory?

I know this blog post can come off as a bit abstract but the parallels are there. In order to be a successful sales organization you will have to look at your staff as a team. A team will set one another up for success and a team will strive towards one common goal. As the coach you will have to provide them with the right plays and the proper training regimen.

For everything else there is Agency Performance Partners. Give us a call and learn about the incredible ways we can transform your agency into a Super Bowl worthy Agency.