
Agency Performance Partners


Dave’s Real Life Tips to Shooting Great Video (Even With Kids Home)

Posted on April 17, 2018 by Kelly Donahue Piro

Hi everyone, it’s David Siekman here from Agency Performance Partners. Just wanted to shoot a quick video to give you some pointers on how to shoot a video. I think we all have a fear about getting started with video. Can you excuse me one second? Guys, can you go downstairs?

Okay, so first lesson in shooting a video, get rid of the background noise. That’s number one, especially if you, like me, work from home. Now that we have no noise we can continue our video. Although hold on a second, it looks like…let’s do this, let’s put this camera up here. Okay, I think that, that is much better. So we want the camera up at eye level so that we’re not kind of looking up at the person. In addition to that, some other things that will help would be some additional light. That might be a little too bright, we do that. That’s good! We adjust our lighting so that we have a good glow from all sides so it’s not casting shadows, but not too bright on our face. Now that you can actually see me, I don’t really seem to be dressed appropriately, so excuse me one second. While I’m putting on my appropriate dress you can also notice that we have some background here that we probably don’t want. Especially when your wife’s closet happens to be in your office. So I’m going to get prepared here. Alright, now we’re ready to shoot our video. No background noise, good light. Now I’m not looking at the camera, so I’m going to try to look directly at the camera as I finish this off.

I don’t have a script. I’m not sitting here reading, that doesn’t mean I don’t have notes. Occasionally you might see me look off screen, that doesn’t have to be perfect. We’re really just trying to get our name out there, but looking into the camera, not reading the script, proper lighting, good background, decent dress and eliminating the background noise. Those are great places to start. Don’t be afraid of shooting video, don’t think that it has to be perfect. I’m shooting this on an iPhone. You can certainly get friends here, equipment, get a bigger boom mic. Do whatever you want to do to make you more comfortable, but they key is to get out there, get started and don’t worry if it’s not perfect when you start. Again, David Siekman from Agency Performance Partners. Have a great day.