
Agency Performance Partners


Our CRM Is Better Than Yours: Hubspot Marketing Reports

Posted on April 27, 2017 by Kelly Donahue Piro

For those of you who know me, you know I’m a die hard Hubspot Enthusiast. For those of you not familiar with Hubspot, it’s the King and Queen of Sales Based Marketing Tools. Also since you know me, you know I’m not the biggest fan of adding more technology into a business. We rarely maximize everything we currently have in our technology arsenal. When we continue to add places for people to log in, we lose efficiency and effectiveness. However, Hubspot pretty much does everything I need it to as a sales and marketing tool, and they constantly innovate so I’m constantly getting even more encouraged.

We see agencies flocking to insurance based Sales and Marketing tools far too often. They can be a great starting point. But if you have a marketing person and brand, you need something more sophisticated to continue to nurture leads, drive inbound opportunities and keep your sales and marketing organized and running. Hubspot does this for us and it can for you. Before you run to the Hubspot website, hold your horses.  We can assist you in purchasing this amazing tool. Better yet, we can customize the presentation to be specific to the needs of an agency.

But let me tell you why my CRM tool is better than yours. The reporting is outstanding. I’m not piecing together any of the following reports:

  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Email Opens
  • Lead Sources
  • and more…

It’s all right in Hubspot when I log in.

The opening dashboard allows me to at a  glance see if we are doing better or worse than last month;  to see what’s working and what needs assistance. The system also proactively sends me email updates so if I am not at my desk I can still get the information I need to effectively manage our branding and lead generation. Hubspot was built with the small to medium business owner in mind rather than building it for an insurance agency.

You can download our 10 Reasons Agency’s should consider Hubspot Guide Here. Or contact us today to learn more!