
Agency Performance Partners


Hot, Sticky, Sweaty Leads

Posted on March 26, 2015 by Kelly Donahue Piro

We all want them, we all crave them right? The people who are dying to buy insurance from us! The ones who don’t care about price and are drooling to get our amazing service. Great news, they don’t exist unless you hustle. Yes, that thing we all did in our twenties to make a name for ourselves. The way that we prove to people we are worthy.

Twice this week I had agents ask me how other agents sell 10-12 policies per week. I’m always a little amazed by this question. The answer is not hard, you just have to do it. In January I wanted to do a pull up. I’m slowly getting there by just doing what my trainer says. I can’t do my own thing! So if you want to sell 10-12 policies per week, here is what you have to do. I even provided this  checklist so you can score yourself:

  • Call unsold business 3 times at least 30 days before their renewal and then send them a quote in the mail
  • Call lost business 3 times at least 30 days before their renewal and then send them a quote in the mail
  • Call Monoline Accounts coming up for renewal and conduct an account review to suggest other lines
  • Meet with one center of influence per week
  • Attend one networking event per week
  • Spend at least 15 minutes on LinkedIn
  • Call 5 customers and thank them for their business
  • Ask 5 people for referrals
  • Shoot to sell at least 4 policies to every new account
  • Connect with community leaders on social media and comment at least 15 minutes per week
  • Respond to new inbound leads in under 60 seconds
  • Write one blog per week and share it on social sites

Want to grow? Here is the secret sauce. It’s simple. If you did this every week, no doubt you would be selling boat loads of policies. The challenge is, are you going to get your butt to the gym for 6am when its -3 outside to learn to do a pull up? If you are not willing to put the time into it and you want the leads to come to you, you will be waiting an awfully long time.

So Agency Performance Partners can help you create this insurance process inside of your office. You will need scripts, accountability reporting and help making people become awesome. Call us, you won’t regret it!