
Agency Performance Partners


Awesome Agency Tip #7: Record Your Sales & Service Calls

Posted on May 31, 2015 by Kelly Donahue Piro

When it comes to recording phone calls, agency owners often feel uncomfortable about it. “What will the team say?” and “Will clients be offended?”  are questions that come to mind.  The reality is that recording phone calls is the only way to run an awesome agency. You can choose to record even a sampling and get the same result. Your team will generally not like having their calls recorded but they will continuously improve and eventually they will get over it. Your clients won’t be offended; in today’s world we are far more used to being recorded.

With the phone system technology today, recording phone calls is usually very easy.  You just have to contact your phone service provider and generally they can get you started in no time. Also, it helps drive down your E&O costs. You will have to announce that the call is being recorded on any inbound calls but that is just a simple recording.

Now you may think, “How in the world will I ever have time to listen to these calls?”  It’s simple.  Download them and then add them to your phone so you can listen in your car, at the gym or even while getting ready in the morning. Listening to some calls is better than listening to no calls.  You can store the file in itunes so you can go back and know which ones you need to address with the team.

You will want to address both good and bad calls with your team.  But the bottom line is you will find several areas for improvement. From how calls are transferred, how new leads are handled and, of course, your team’s talk tracks. It may sound like a lot but don’t worry.  Insurance consultants like us are here to help you through the process!