
Agency Performance Partners


Agency Success Tip: Use Your Technology

Posted on August 14, 2015 by Kelly Donahue Piro

I was at an agency last week and the agency owner is stoked because he can text message out of the management system. Great idea right? Now for E&O purposes we can track texts and be in the community in more modern ways.  The agency is now primed up to meet the needs of the next generation. Well, except for one of the team members at the agency. She flat out told me, she doesn’t have a cell phone and she sure as heck doesn’t intend on texting clients.

Big bold words, right? But it happens! How can her personal feelings impede the preferred method of communication for the clients and is that really giving great service? But it happens in many agencies.  People don’t like the rating software so they conveniently bypass it. Or maybe you have a mobile phone app at your agency and no one is telling anyone about it. Let me give you some advice. If the agency has invested in it then the goal is to you use it.  Also, it may make your job easier in the long run.

So why do team members reject the use of technology?  Simply put, it’s the fear, uncertainty and doubt.  Better known as FUD. Fear that they will mess up, uncertainty of the new process and doubt that it will last. So you have to help coach the team to use the technology and run reports to make sure that you gain adoption.  Remember, it takes 30 days to create a habit so you have to stay strong.

We also recommend someone becoming the SME, pronounced SMMMMMEEEEEEEE for fun! That is a System Matter Expert.  This way someone onsite knows the details on how it works and can help the team.

Technology can be challenging but allowing team members to not use it is completely unacceptable. In today’s world we need to embrace and utilize technology to be top employees.